Monday, November 30, 2009

Remember me? It has certainly been a ride...a long hard ride, like the first explorer's headed west and trying to cross the Grand Canyon! Okay, so I have spent a lot of time thinking that I must have learning disabilities. Still haven't decided if I do or do not! Regardless, I have somehow managed to maintain a 4.0 GPA.

I have been called an overachiever. Hmm... kind of seems rude for someone to say that to me. The thing is, this cost a lot of money and I'm the one paying for it. Yes, I want a better than "good" grade, I want to learn everything that I can. I am here for me, for my future and it is taking everything that I have. I am not complaining, in fact I am just grateful that I have the opportunity.

I said that I would give the good, bad and ugly of this. I'm not shy so here we go! I am disappointed that I have friends and worse yet family that find it difficult to make a single positive comment about this HUGE endeavor. I am sad that I feel sad that I only have a couple of people that appreciate that I make A's. Hello.....I was told by my guidance counselor that I am not college material when I was just 16 years old. Seriously, let's try to be a bit more supportive and mindful of how our actions can effect others.

I didn't even know that I had a rather high IQ, until I received my transcripts from high school....28 years after my graduation. I was self conscious just walking across the stage to receive my high school diploma in 1981. I was a teenage mother, kind of a no count. I might be pushing 50, but I am finally realizing that it really isn't too late to become what you might have been.

My goal is to be a better example for others, especially others that share my history. I really wish that I had a clear understanding of my lack of self confidence and how to overcome it. These things are simply mysteries that reaveal themselves when the time is right I guess. My plan was to keep this blog updatted on a more regular basis, I just didn't get that I was going to be so limited on time. Sorry guys, but when the choices are study for a test, write a paper, or to work on my blog, I think that it should be obvious that I have a pretty clear priority and that is to do well in school. I have a break comming up soon, perhaps I can get you caught up on some of the most amazing things that I have learned. Regardless of the fact that I have been able to travel to many wonderful places in the world, now I am really becoming educated. Thank you God for whatever it is that you have gently placed inside of my heart, I will continue to learn to better understand it and to put it to the best use that I can.